Online Undergraduate Certificate in
Millennial Ministry
School: Missional Practice // Study Area: Serving Emerging Generations
☀ Totally Unique Program = only available at Missional University
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Undergraduate Certificate in
Millennial Ministry?
The Undergraduate Certificate in Millennial Ministry equips students with training that is generationally relevant and highly contextualized. Building on generational theory and biblical theology, the student will gain understanding of a full range of generations and how they relate to the Gospel. The student will gain knowledge of how to separate fact from fiction and identify and develop effective methods of discipleship. Emerging leaders will gain understanding of different worldviews so that they can effectively reach diverse people with the Gospel.
Emerging generations are among the most important investments missionally-minded believer's can make. Millennials are future socio-cultural transformers (for good or ill), policy makers, church, political, business and academic leaders. However, they are the most un-churched people group in Western Civilization. It is imperative that discipleship strategies, missional in nature, be designed and applied to engaging Millennials.
Program Features
Integrated practicums allow you to gain valuable real-world experience
Learn from academic practitioners from around the world
Credits earned in this certificate program can apply to a Missional University Bachelor degree program
Course Effort
Course Length
Credits Required
Program Cost
What Will I Study?
We offer the most comprehensive approach to serving emerging generations in the mission of God.
Examines the biblical theological foundations of God's plan for global redemption throughout the Old and New Testament. The student will explore the eternal purpose of God for humanity, the state of those who have not heard the gospel, and the application of the missional mandate to various cultures.
This course explores the spiritual dimension of missional engagement in the post-Christendom world. Students will create a personal spiritual development (or soul care) plan for their selves, their team and engaging a wider community. Resources will include readings, video interviews with practitioners, creative spiritual practices, and the development of a spiritual development plan.
Who are the Millennials and how do we reach them for the cause of Christ? Building on generational theory and biblical theology, this course will familiarize the student with the Millennial generation, separate fact from fiction, and identify and develop effective methods of discipleship. The goal is to equip students to be leaders who can missionally engage the Millennial generation faithfully and effectively in various cultural contexts.
This course provides an overview of the faith formation of the Millennial generation using current theological and sociological research. Special emphasis is given to cohort characteristics and generational differences, the rise of postmodernism and the epistemological turn, the prevalence of Moralistic Therapeutic Deism, and the attitudes of Millennials toward Jesus, Christianity, and the institutional church.
This course explores various models of ministry proving effective with Millennials, such as traditional vs. missional ecclesiastical expressions, innovative discipleship and mentoring programs, and social justice/outreach efforts. The course is designed to help the student become a ministry leader who is innovative and culturally-relevant while remaining biblically grounded.
This course traces the social history of the most tech-savvy generation among us, the Millennials. Digital natives who came of age during the ubiquity of the internet and personal computers, the Millennial generation has the world literally at their fingertips. This ‘digital Babylon,’ as researchers call it, is a vast new mission field full of both exciting opportunities and potential pitfalls. This course will explore the contours of this new mission field and equip students to help Millennials follow Jesus in the new digital world.
Optional Additional Courses
Examination of the crucial transition from a Modern to Postmodern worldview, and how strategies for sharing the Christian faith can adopt in order to contextualize the gospel in the new paradigm. Students will be challenged to creatively imagine new forms of evangelism within the context of religious pluralism, cultural relativism and nihilistic outlooks of the future.
The course examines spirituality as an emergent new cultural category that challenges the binary opposition of the religious and secular realms of life. Through readings and discussions, students probe the significance of the popular phrase "spiritual, but not religious" and examine the emergence of New Age spiritualities in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. These postmodern spiritualities view realities as plural, subjecive, and value a multiplicity of diverse interpretations of truth, being, and ways of seeing. Students explore ways in which technoculture shapes religious imagination and mystical impulses that feed the emergence of utopian dreams, apocalyptic visions, neopaganism and other varieties of spiritual expressions.
A critical theological reflection in light of the deconstruction practices of postmodern thought. Students will identify and contrast key aspects of biblical, orthodox, and historical Christianity within the context of cultural relativism and pluralism. This course will help students name their own practical theology within this current theological reality.
When Can I Get Started?
We offer multiple start dates each year to give you flexibility in your education, life and work schedules.
A Career in Living Your Life as Mission
Is this Your Mission?
Collegiate Ministry, Emerging Generations Pastor; College & Career Pastor; Leadership Development Trainer; Program Development Manager; Leadership Coach; Campus, Hospital, Industrial or Police Pastor/Chaplain; Campus Outreach Director.
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How Much Will it Cost?
We offer tuition based upon country of residence. According to the Human Development Index, all countries around the world fall into one of four categories:
(Tier 1) - Very High Human Development
(Tier 2) High Human Development
(Tier 3) Medium Human Development
(Tier 4) Low Human Development
Our tiered global tuition makes higher education affordable for everyone world wide.

100% Tuition
per credit hour
3 credit course

80% Tuition
per credit hour
3 credit course

60% Tuition
per credit hour
3 credit course

40% Tuition
per credit hour
3 credit course
Tiered tuition based on country of origin and scholarships available. Find your country of residence here for more information.
Tuition may be further reduced by participating in the Sponsorship Program.