Online Graduate Certificate in
Ecotheology & the Missio Dei
☀ Totally Unique Program = only available at Missional University
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Ready to learn more about the
Graduate Certificate in
Ecotheology & the Missio Dei?
The Graduate Certificate in Ecotheology & the Missio Dei takes seriously God's act of creation, his command to subdue it, and his promise of the future redemption of all creation. Students examine and analyze the biblical, theological, historical, and practical elements of creation care theology. The purpose is to encourage students to missionally and redemptively care for God's creation while anticipating full redemption.
Christians often find themselves caught between extreme positions related to creation theology and creation care. On the one side are those who tend toward advocating pantheistic or materialistic views of creation, in which creation itself is deified or idolized. On the other side are those who tend toward interpreting "subdue the earth" as permission to ravage and abuse. The Graduate Certificate in Ecotheology & the Missio Dei enables students to look first at scriptural commands and examples of what the human-creation relationship is intended to be, argue against both extremes, and develop a theology of creation care that implements missional, redemptive and restorative practices.
Program Features
Integrated practicums allow you to gain valuable real-world experience
Learn from academic practitioners from around the world
Credits earned in this certificate program can apply to a Missional University Master's degree program
Course Effort
Course Length
Credits Required
Program Cost
What Will I Study?
We offer the most comprehensive approach to studying the Bible & the environment in the mission of God.
This course defines ecotheology, ecomissiology and describes a biblical theological outline. Students will be able to summarise key concepts including the Anthropocene, climate change, and sustainablity. They will be able to articulate a biblical theology of ecomission and list practical examples.
When Can I Get Started?
We offer multiple start dates each year to give you flexibility in your education, life and work schedules.
A Career in Joining the Mission of God
Is this Your Mission?
Ecomissiology Blogger, Ecomissiology Developer, Ecomissiology Educator, Ecomissiology Leader, Ecomissiology Strategist, Ecomissiology Writer, Ecotheology Advocate, Ecotheology Blogger, Ecotheology Developer, Ecotheology Educator, Ecotheology Leader, Ecotheology Strategist, Ecotheology Writer, Environmental Ethics Blogger, Environmental Ethics Educator, Environmental Ethics Leader, Environmental Ethics Strategist, Environmental Ethics Writer
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How Much Will it Cost?
We offer tuition based upon country of residence. According to the Human Development Index, all countries around the world fall into one of four categories:
(Tier 1) - Very High Human Development
(Tier 2) High Human Development
(Tier 3) Medium Human Development
(Tier 4) Low Human Development
Our tiered global tuition makes higher education affordable for everyone world wide.

100% Tuition
per credit hour
3 credit course

80% Tuition
per credit hour
3 credit course

60% Tuition
per credit hour
3 credit course

40% Tuition
per credit hour
3 credit course
Tiered tuition based on country of origin and scholarships available. Find your country of residence here for more information.
Tuition may be further reduced by participating in the Sponsorship Program.