Studying the Biblical Text
School: Theological Studies // Study Area: Studying the Biblical Test
Academic Programs - 100% online, 24 / 7
Expand Your Biblical Understanding Today!
Influential South African missiologist and theologian, David Bosch, contends that isolated Scipture passages should not determine mission, rather the central messsage of Scripture itself is the story of the redemptive mission of God in the world. Indeed it is the recognition of this story that provides the connection of the biblical concept of the kingdom of God to salvation history, world history, and the restoration of all creation. Thus the School of Theological Studies @ Missional University approaches the scripture from the perspective of empowering students to see their personal story within the overarching story of God's grace and mission. From the pages of the scripture, students learn to answer the question: what is the mission of God in our world and what is my role in it? Biblical studies trace the theme of God's redemptive work in our world from Genesis to Revelation and provide students with ways to see God at work all around them in everyday life so they can join Him at work in their family, neighborhood, community and across the world.

☀ Totally Unique Program = only available at Missional University
Explore the revealed missional purposes of God rooted in Yahweh’s covenant with Israel, the positioning of Israel as Yahweh’s voice and light to the nations of the earth, the "sentness" of the disciples and followers of Jesus and how they participated in salvation history through the redemptive vision of God who reconciles all creation unto himself through the person and work of Jesus. Learn practical and creative ways of deepening your own spirituality through interpreting the scripture using current software and programs to aid theological and biblical research and engaging with not-yet Christians in your community.
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Associate of Theological Studies (A.T.S.)
in Biblical Studies (66 credit hours)
Core Courses (18 credit hours)
Livingstone Signature Series
Biblical Studies Core
Major Courses (18 credit hours)
Includes courses from Biblical Studies, Cultural Theology, Missional Theology, Moral & Social Theology
Includes Associate Observership or Practicum
General Education Courses (30 credit hours)
Communication (6 credit hours)
Health Studies (3 credit hours)
Fine Arts & Humanities (3 credit hours)
Social & Behavioral Sciences (3 credit hours)
Natural & Mathematic Sciences (3 credit hours)
General Education Electives (12 credits required)
Dual Enrollment Academy
Pre-Biblical Studies (24 credit hours)
- To be complete during junior & senior years of high school
Livingstone Signature Series (6 credit hours)
Core Requirements (12 credit hours)
General Studies Electives (6 credit hours)
Dual Enrollment Academy
Admission Prerequisites
Junior standing in High School
Permission granted by parents (and guidance counselor if required)
Courses may be taken concurrently with high school courses
Courses may be taken as "Dual Enrollment" with home school group / high school permission
Graduation Requirements
Must successfully complete all academic courses
Program Cost
Tuition rate reduced from normal undergraduate rates
Global tiered tuition rates apply
Associate Diploma
in Biblical Studies (18 unit hours)
Core Courses (6 unit hours)
Biblical & Missional Foundation
Focus Courses (12 unit hours)
Missional Introduction to the Scripture (6 unit hours)
Bible Study Methods & Tools (6 credit hours)
Associate Diploma
Non-Credit Requirements
Admission Prerequisites
High School Diploma or GED equivalent
Graduation Requirements
Must successfully complete watching lectures, required reading and online discussion
All requirements are pass/fail with no quizzes or tests
Program Cost
Tuition reduced by 50% from academic tuition rates
☩ Same as Other Christian Universities, But with Missional Integration
Learn how to do exegesis from the Greek New Testament, utilize secondary sources, be conversant with exegetical tools, and interpret the scriptures from a missional perspective.
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☀ Totally Unique Program = only available at Missional University
Study ways in which the first-century society was both influenced by Hellenistic ideas and customs but also dominated by Roman law, governmental & political structures, and ideas of class, status, and military influence. Gain a deep understanding of the impact the interaction of Roman culture and society with Greek/Hellenistic culture and society had on the ideas and social setting of the New Testament writings.
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☀ Totally Unique Program = only available at Missional University
Learn how to assess ministry approaches in terms of a missional hermeneutic and implement missional approaches that emanate from the biblical text but applied to contemporary multicultural, multiethnic, multireligous settings. Learn how to approach the New Testament from a missional perspective and how God's people are to proclaim, enact, and embody the gospel today.
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Bachelor of Theological Studies (B.T.S.)
in Biblical Studies (63 credit hours)
Core Courses (18 credit hours)
Livingstone Signature Series
Biblical Studies Core
Major Courses (33 credit hours)
Mission of God in the Old Testament (12 credit hours)
Mission of God in the New Testament (15 credit hours)
Theological Studies Bachelor Research (3 credit hours)
Theological Studies Bachelor Capstone (3 credit hours)
Bachelor Degree Completion Degree
Admission Prerequisites
Previously completed 45+ credit hours
General Education requirements completed
Graduation Requirements
Must successfully complete Bachelor Degree completion program
Must complete 120 credit hours (previous credits plus Bachelor Degree Completion)
Concentration (12 credit hours) Choose one below:
Basic Biblical Languages
Biblical Language - Greek
Biblical Language - Hebrew
Missional Living
Marketplace Ministry
Transformational Disciplemaking
Mission Studies
Religion Studies
Business as Mission
Scriptwriting & Storytelling
Worship Leadership
Open Electives
Internship, Mentorship & Project
Research & Bachelor Thesis
Contextual Theology
Missional Theology
Social Theology
Multifamily Housing Ministry
Sports Ministry
Youth Ministry
Church Planting
Missional Congregations
Missional Communities
Correctional Ministry
Urban Mission
Bachelor of Theological Studies (B.T.S.)
in Biblical Studies (120 credit hours)
Core Courses (27 credit hours)
Livingstone Signature Series (9 credit hours)
Biblical Studies Core (18 credit hours)
Major Courses (51 credit hours)
Content courses (42 credit hours)
Mission of God in the Old Testament (12 credit hours)
Mission of God in the New Testament (15 credit hours)
Theological Studies (15 credit hours)
Experiential Learning courses (9 credit hours)
Theological Studies Associate Obeservership or Practicum (3 credit hours)
Theological Studies Bachelor Research (3 credit hours)
Theological Studies Bachelor Capstone (3 credit hours)
Concentration Courses (12 credit hours)
Choose from available concentration choices below
General Education courses (30 credit hours)
Communication (6 credit hours)
Health Studies (3 credit hours)
Fine Arts & Humanities (3 credit hours)
Social & Behavioral Sciences (3 credit hours)
Natural & Mathematic Sciences (3 credit hours)
General Education Electives (12 credits required)
Bachelor Degree Program (2+2 Configuration)
Admission Prerequisites
High School or GED equivalent
2+2 Configuration
1st 2 Years: Associate of Theological Studies in Biblical Studies
2nd 2 Years: Bachelor of Theological Studies in Biblical Studies (degree completion program)
Graduation Requirements
Must successfully complete Associate Degree and Bachelor Degree completion programs
Must sucessfully pass all required courses (120 credit hours)
Concentration (12 credit hours) Choose one below:
Basic Biblical Languages
Biblical Language - Greek
Biblical Language - Hebrew
Missional Living
Marketplace Ministry
Transformational Disciplemaking
Scriptwriting & Storytelling
Worship Leadership
Open Electives
Internship, Mentorship & Project
Research & Bachelor Thesis
Contextual Theology
Missional Theology
Social Theology
Multifamily Housing Ministry
Sports Ministry
Youth Ministry
Church Planting
Missional Congregations
Missional Communities
Correctional Ministry
Urban Mission
Undergraduate Diploma
in Biblical Greek (15 unit hours)
Core Courses (3 unit hours)
Biblical & Missional Foundation
Focus Courses (12 unit hours)
Elementary Greek (6 unit hours)
Intermediate Greek (6 unit hours)
Advanced Greek (3 unit hours)
Undergraduate Diploma
in Culture & Society of the NT Era (18 unit hours)
Core Courses (3 unit hours)
Biblical & Missional Foundation
Focus Courses (15 unit hours)
Judiasm in Early Christianity (6 unit hours)
Greek & Roman Religion in Early Christianity (3 unit hours)
Public Theology: Jesus & the Empire (3 unit hours)
Religious Art in Early Christianity (3 unit hours)
Undergraduate Diploma
in New Testament Mission (18 unit hours)
Core Courses (3 unit hours)
Biblical & Missional Foundation
Focus Courses (15 unit hours)
Missional Practice in the Gospels & Acts (6 unit hours)
Missional Practice in the Epistles (6 unit hours)
Missional Practice in Book of Revelation (3 unit hours)
Undergraduate Diploma
Non-Credit Requirements
Admission Prerequisites
High School Diploma or GED equivalent
Some college credit
Graduation Requirements
Must successfully complete watching lectures, required reading and online discussion
All requirements are pass/fail with no quizzes or tests
Program Cost
Tuition reduced by 50% from academic tuition rates
☀ Totally Unique Program = only available at Missional University
Examine the development of New Testament Christianity as it related to the ancient empires of the time period, especially in light of emperor worship. Learn how to address theological and religious issues of debate and controversy as illustrated in the religious art of Judaism and early Christianity. Study ways in which the first-century and subsequent societies were both influenced by Hellenistic ideas and customs but also dominated by Roman law, governmental & political structures, and ideas of class, status, and military influence. By observing ways in which early Christian believers wrestled with these issues, gain an understanding of how early Christians navigated the boundaries between insiders and outsiders while simultaneously extending the gospel to those beyond the Christian faith community.
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♰ Similar to Other Universities, But with a Unique Set of Courses
Gain mastery of Koine Greek grammar and vocubulary, develop competence in reading and translating selected New Testament texts, and develop skills in analyzing and exegeting the Greek New Testament.
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☀ Totally Unique Program = only available at Missional University
The Graduate Certificate in New Testament Mission bridges the gap between the first century and what God is calling you to do today in the 21st century. Taught by faculty with an international background in teaching the New Testament at all levels in a number of different cultural contexts, and with both a passion and experience in preparing students for ministry and mission, the certificate program offers a quick and effective way to grow your academic, missional, and practical knowledge and skills.
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Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.)
in Biblical Studies
(With Concentration: 63 credit hours)
(Without Concentration: 51 credit hours)
Core Courses (18 credit hours)
Livingstone Signature Series (9 credit hours)
Biblical Studies Core (9 credit hours)
Major Courses (33 credit hours)
Content courses (27 credit hours)
Mission of God in the Old Testament (12 credit hours)
Mission of God in the New Testament (15 credit hours)
Experiential Learning courses (6 credit hours)
Choice 1: Practical Application
Theological Studies Masters Internship (3 credit hours)
Theological Studies Masters Portfolio or Project (3 credit hours)
Choice 2: Research & Writing
Theological Studies Masters Research (3 credit hours)
Theological Studies Masters Thesis (3 credit hours)
MTS Masters Degree Program
Admission Prerequisites
Bachelor's Degree from accredited institution
Graduation Requirements
Must successfully complete Master of Theological Studies Degree program
Must sucessfully pass all required courses (51 credit hours) or with concentration (63 credit hours)
Concentration Option (12 credit hours) Choose one below:
Biblical Languages
Biblical Greek
Biblical Hebrew
Culture of New Testament Era
Missional Hermenutics
Missional History
Contextual Theology
Missional Theology
Social Theology
Open Electives
Internship, Mentorship & Project
Research & Masters Thesis
Master of Divinity (M.Div.)
in Biblical Studies (84 credit hours)
Core Courses (18 credit hours)
Livingstone Signature Series (9 credit hours)
Biblical Studies Core (9 credit hours)
Major Courses (33 credit hours)
Content courses (27 credit hours)
Mission of God in the Old Testament (12 credit hours)
Mission of God in the New Testament (15 credit hours)
Experiential Learning courses (6 credit hours)
Choice 1: Practical Application
Theological Studies Masters Internship (3 credit hours)
Theological Studies Masters Portfolio or Project (3 credit hours)
Choice 2: Research & Writing
Theological Studies Masters Research (3 credit hours)
Theological Studies Masters Thesis (3 credit hours)
Concentration courses (12 credit hours)
See list of concentrations below
Additional Divinity courses (21 credit hours)
Ministry Leadership (9 credit hours)
Bible Study Methods (3 credit hours)
Missional History (3 credit hours)
Missional Engagement (3 credit hours)
Missional Practices (3 credit hours)
Master of Divinity Program (2+1 Configuration)
Admission Prerequisites
Bachelor degree from an accredited institution
2+1 Configuration
1st 2 Years: Master of Theological Studies in Biblical Studies
2nd 1 Year: Master of Divinity in Biblical Studies (degree completion program)
Graduation Requirements
Must successfully complete MTS Degree with concentration and MDiv Degree completion programs
Must sucessfully pass all required courses (84 credit hours)
Concentration Option (12 credit hours) Choose one below:
Biblical Languages
Biblical Greek
Biblical Hebrew
Culture of New Testament Era
Missional Hermenutics
Missional History
Contextual Theology
Missional Theology
Social Theology
Open Electives
Internship, Mentorship & Project
Research & Masters Thesis
Postgraduate Diploma
in Biblical Greek (15 unit hours)
Core Courses (3 unit hours)
Biblical & Missional Foundation
Focus Courses (12 unit hours)
Elementary Greek (6 unit hours)
Intermediate Greek (6 unit hours)
Advanced Greek (3 unit hours)
Postgraduate Diploma
in Culture & Society of the NT Era (18 unit hours)
Core Courses (3 unit hours)
Biblical & Missional Foundation
Focus Courses (15 unit hours)
Judiasm in Early Christianity (6 unit hours)
Greek & Roman Religion in Early Christianity (3 unit hours)
Public Theology: Jesus & the Empire (3 unit hours)
Religious Art in Early Christianity (3 unit hours)
Postgraduate Diploma
in New Testament Mission (18 unit hours)
Core Courses (3 unit hours)
Biblical & Missional Foundation
Focus Courses (15 unit hours)
Missional Practice in the Gospels & Acts (6 unit hours)
Missional Practice in the Epistles (6 unit hours)
Missional Practice in Book of Revelation (3 unit hours)
Postgraduate Diploma
Non-Credit Requirements
Admission Prerequisites
Bachelor's Degree
Graduation Requirements
Must successfully complete watching lectures, required reading and online discussion
All requirements are pass/fail with no quizzes or tests
Program Cost
Tuition reduced by 50% from academic tuition rates
Doctor of Theology (Th.D.)
in Missional Hermeneutics (60 credit hours)
Doctoral Core Courses (15 credit hours)
Doctoral Studies Foundation (9 credit hours
Research Methods & Procedures (6 credit hours)
Major Courses (21 credit hours)
Critical Issues in Missional Hermenutics
Missional Reading of the Hebrew Bible
Missional Reading of the New Testament
Early Christian Missional Ethos: Insiders vs Outsiders
Early Christian Missional Ethics: Sensitivity to Outsiders
Choose two below:
Analysis of Jews in the Time of Jesus
Jewish-Christian Relations in Early Christianity
Greek and Roman Religions in the Empire
Minor Courses (9 credit hours)
Choose one topic below
Old Testament Mission
New Testament Mission
Dissertation (15 credit hours)
Dissertation Skills
Developing the Research Prospectus
Dissertation Writing