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Serving Emerging Generations

School: Missional Leadership  //  Study Area: Serving Emerging Generations

Academic Programs - 100% online, 24 / 7

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Emerging Leadership?


Down through the centuries God has prepared leaders to join in his mission. Whether the call to mission involves a task, a place, or a people, training methods have always been adapted to the mission as well as the unique natural and spiritual gifts of the person. Thus the School of Missional Practice approaches developing emerging leadership from the perspective of both the one who is to be mentored (the student) as well as those whom the student will mentor in the future. By preparing students to become multiplying leaders among youth (including at-risk-youth), millennials and other adults, students learn how to nurture meaningful processes that engage others in experiencing the power of the gospel in their lives. Students learn to model a discerning, prayerful companionship that honors the spiritual journey of others through an ongoing relationship of learning, dialogue, and challenge. Through a rich curriculum that brings a variety of perspectives to bear, students learn to serve others by being a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a person to push others in the right direction.