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Serving Among Cultural Difference

School: Missional College  //  Study Area: Serving Among Cultural Difference

Academic Programs - 100% online, 24 / 7

Expand Your Intercultural Abilities Today!


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Serving Among
Cultural Difference?


Twentieth-century Harvard professor and four-term US Senator, Patrick Moynihan along with American Sociologist Nathan Glazer are credited with calling into question the idea that America is a "melting pot" preferring instead to see the United States as a "salad bowl." Today the salad bowl of cultural, ethnic and religious pluralism may readily be seen not only in North America but across the urban centers of the world. The Missional College @ Missional University offers several certificate and degree programs at the undergraduate and graduate level to prepare Christian believers to serve among the internationals, immigrants and refugees and cultural groups that are part of 21st-century global experience.