Tomorrow's Leaders Merging Faith, Career, and Service in the Mission of God in the World
Students are the heart and soul of Missional University. Our passion is to inspire, equip and deploy the people of God as the "church scattered" across the earth. We desire to train grassroots leaders to live missionally in diverse cultural contexts worldwide. With a blend of missional theology and practice, academic education and experiential learning, our students are sent by God to follow the steps of Jesus into the world around them. As trained missionizers, students launch into their vocations seeing their own role in the mission of God, sharing their faith conversationally, naturally, with others; and nurturing their soul to be on mission every day.
Our supporters, like our faculty, staff, and students, have a passion for the mission of God and educational excellence, fueled by joining the mission of God in the world. These donors are people inspired to go beyond the norms - expecting great things from God as we attempt great things for God together. Their generosity extends to Christian believers across the global south who do not have access to quality missional education. By focusing on scholarships and fellowships designed to support individuals, they invest in kingdom work both now and in the future.
Join others in nurturing a global tidal wave of missional education.

Choose a fund from the Students category or opt for General Support which sustains every part of the Missional experience.