Where Non-Clergy Students Merge Faith, Career, and Mission
For followers of Jesus, it is all about merging faith, life, and mission with a career. When Jesus spoke to his disciples and said, “As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you,” he was speaking to fishermen, a zealot (possibly a politician), and a treasurer. He sent them into the world to serve in the mission of God. Regardless of where, when, or how we live, work or play, we are also called to join in the mission of God in the world.
Our vision is to equip the people of God around the globe to serve in the mission of God in the world – their neighborhood, community, country and across the planet. If you are a follower of Jesus you have already been called. Your specific part in the mission of God may look quite different than that of many others. Part of knowing your calling is to discover what makes you unique. Most practically, in a world fragmented and torn by hostilities and hatred, we want to help our students, faculty & staff, and supporters discover and discern their particular role in a particular career where Christ can shine in and through them so that Christ can “reconcile to himself all things.”
Join others in nurturing a global tidal wave of missional education.

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