Your student is on an amazing missional journey into the very core purpose for which God created humankind.
During the time students are at Missional University, they discover the mission for which God has designed them, develop their own understanding of their purpose and passion, and blaze new trails into their future. They collaborate with a global, international faculty online and develop lifetime friendships with other students from around the world. They encounter new perspectives and transformative experiences in extraordinary instructional and experiential learning environments both online and offline. In the process, God molds them into the missional leaders of tomorrow.
Missional University's Parent & Family Giving creates a community of parents actively engaged in their students' college experience as well as provides a major vehicle to philanthropically support the University. Ensuring MU's academic excellence requires more than student fees, it requires the gracious support of people just like you.
It requires the involvement and generous support of all Missional University parents, affording valuable enrichment to every student. The Parents Fund & Outreach program seeks to strengthen parent engagement with Missional University by hosting online activities focused on many different and amazing aspects of the ecampus experience. With your help, and by God's grace, we are committed to developing Missional University to become the premier online Christian university built on the foundation of missional education.
If you have questions concerning your philanthropic designation, please contact the Office of Advancement at (803) 618-1328 ext 150.
Whether you support general university priorities or student, community, research or educational priorities, any amount will make a difference. Your gifts to support needy students through our Global Scholarship or through our Student Sponsorship Program enables many talented, gifted students with limited resources to attend. All gifts made to Missional University support student success through undergraduate exploration, graduate-level research, and development, expanded student opportunities, attracting and retaining top scholars and teachers, and enhancing a strong learning community.
Tuition at Missional University is at rock bottom. While our tuition and fees are extremely economical, they do not reflect the entire cost of educating students. The Missional Annual Support Fund is relied on each year to help close the gap between what parents and families pay and what it actually costs to educate your students.
You have a vested interest, wanting your student to have access to the best resources and experiences, and to be challenged by their student peers. Your gift through the Missional Annual Support Fund allows the College to provide exceptional educational opportunities and learning experiences to every MU student.