Since Missional University is 100% online, all faculty, staff, and students work together virtually. Our virtual innovation for both online education and online staffing means that we will never need to build and maintain a residential campus complete with educational buildings, student center, admin buildings, physical fitness buildings, dormitories, etc. Through our virtual presence, we are able to function with faculty, staff, and students geographically distributed from Washington state, USA to Wellington, New Zealand across 20 time zones with representation on 6 continents.
But that does not mean we have no infrastructure needs - they are just different. Besides one administration building, we must continue to develop and maintain a data center to handle the needs of the university globally.
We are fortunate to be located in the heart of one of the fastest technological centers in North America -- Fort Gordon Cyber District -- which "represents a two-state, seven-county regional economic development and attraction initiative that supports both the defense and private sector technology, innovation, and growth." This growth is fueled by the "U.S. Army’s new national cyber headquarters at Fort Gordon" which is about 18 miles away. Just 4 miles away is the $100 million Georgia Cyber Center which intends to lead the "nation by becoming a hub for innovative cybersecurity technology research, development, and training of the industry's next-generation professionals."
Soon we will have access to a 1gb fiber optic connection that will enable us to expand our delivery capabilities.
Learn more about our infrastructure needs by contacting the Advancement team at 803-618-1328 ext 150.