Explore Digital Media Arts
Academic Programs
Dual Enrollment Academies
Certificate Programs
Associate Certificate programs
Undergraduate Certificate programs
Degree Programs
Associate Degrees
Bachelor Completion Degrees
Bachelor 2+2 Degrees
Masters Degrees
Doctoral Degrees
Course Descriptions
Undergraduate Courses
Graduate Courses
- ANM - Animation
- DGR - Digital Graphics
- DRA - Drawing & Painting
- EVA - Ethnovisual Arts
- PUB - Publications
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Humanity lives in a complex and fluid tapestry of languages, cultures, and artistic forms. In the 21st century this complexity and rate of change has increased with the advent of global digital technologies that facilitate globalization trends, urbanization, migrations and cultural fusions. While peoples from around the world are expressing themselves in unique ways, their cultural understandings influence the way they use and receive computer-mediated visual information. The Department of Digital Media Arts empowers students with abilities to tell stories using various digital forms in this complex global environment.
Why Digital Media Art?
The cultural creativity of humankind is rooted in the image of God within each human being - however tainted it is by sinful human nature. Yet as Christian believers create, their creativity can become a reflection of God their creator and redeemer through each animation, graphic, publication or digital drawing or rendering. In fact, Christian digital artists have the opportunity to join in the mission of God in culture care where they serve in the mission God as cultural stewards and custodians who nuture a culture's soul with beauty, creativity and visual impact.
Why Missional University?
The study of Digital Media Art at Missional University are based on the six core values of the University:
Biblically Based:
Digital media is useful missionally primarily as it brings people together around the person of Jesus Christ. Drawing upon the written Word and the stories of God's people, past and present, digital media can grab the attention of a world without Christ.
Missionally Driven:
All Christian believers are commanded to make disciples of all the nations (people groups), many of whom because of limited access have still not had an effective gospel witness. In the current era, digital media is making stunning inroads to people and places formerly inaccessible. These degree programs deepen students' commitment to and application of mission to all the nations with special attention to using digital media arts.
Interculturally Focused:
Digital media arts include cultural observation and analysis so students can apply their skills to communicating interculturally.
Contextually Informed:
While the science of technology is universal, it's application and adaptation is not. A complete education in digital media arts requires awareness of the variety of local technologies available across the globe and how to best communicate within those local contexts.
Practically Minded:
Digital media arts is hands on and always moving toward reflecting the glory of God through various digital art forms. Practical issues that this department covers include funding costly equipment, purchasing, maintenance and sustainability as well as production and application.
Experientially Transformed:
The use of digital media is not a substitute for personal relationships. Therefore the department holds high expectations for students to keep balance in their spiritual journey and reflect within the community of practitioners about their growth.