Welcome to the School of Justice Mission @ Missional University
The purpose of the School of Justice Mission is to prepare the people of God to join in the mission of God of standing for equitable justice in law enforcement and in the legal affairs related to the faith-based and community service organizations in which they serve. This calling arises from the intersection of a theology of justice and mission. Justice is rooted in the character of God and redefined by God's activity in and for the world in the person and work of Jesus Christ. The incarnation of Jesus reveals both God's love and God's justice for humanity and for the cosmos. Christians have a calling to embody God's justice for the world as they become embedded in and care for their sociocultural setting.
The programs of the School of Justice Mission are designed to complement the academic and experiential background of grassroots missional leaders in a variety of vocational mission endeavors. The goal is to equip missional leaders with an international legal perspective related to their area of intended service in order to prepare them for the legal entanglements that come out of their joining the work of God in the world especially when it involves transnational relationships. It is not our purpose to train people to become attorneys and our programs do not meet requirements to sit for the bar exam or practice law.
Uniqueness of the School of Justice Mission
Unique Programs
- 43% Totally Unique
- 22% Rarely Offered
- 20% Similar to Others
- 15% Same as Others
International Experience
100% of FacultyLaw or Criminal Justice Degrees
84% of Faculty
Doctorate Degrees
85%+ of Faculty with Accredited Doctorates
Quick Facts
Number of Departments: 5
Number of Dual Enrollment Programs: 1
Number of Undergraduate Certificates Programs: 5
Number of Associate Programs: 6
Number of Bachelor Programs: 17
Number of Master's Programs: 16
Number of Faculty Members: 6