Graduate Courses by Academic Term
Well in advance, each academic term provides a list of provisional courses. Sixty days before the start of the academic term, a permanent list of courses is posted and registration is open to all enrolled students.
Term 1 - August 2018
THM5400 | Biblical Theology of Mission |
ELD5000 | Integrating Spirituality & Missionality |
BIB5010 | Reading the New Testament Missionally |
BIB5110 | Evaluating Missional Practice of the Early Church |
Term 2 - October 2018
Provisional Schedule
ANT5210 | Analysis of Population Movement and Transnational Migration |
BIB5000 | Reading the Old Testament Missionally |
BIB5115 | Mark the Evangelist in African Memory |
BIB5120 | Analysis of Pauline Theology & Missional Practice |
BUS5000 | Theory & Practice of Business as Mission |
COM6210 | Issues in Communication Theory for Christian Witness |
DEM5000 | Intro to Demographic Analysis |
DSP5100 | Basic Skills of the Interpreting Professional |
DSP5220 | Legal Terminology for Legal Services |
DSP5300 | Issues in Forced Migration and Human Trafficking |
DSP5400 | Causes & Consequences of Refugees and Displaced Persons |
ELD5000 | Integrating Spirituality & Missionality |
EMU5210 | Issues in Global Music as Social Life |
EMU5500 | Fundamentals of Music in Asian Cultures |
ETH5228 | African Slavery and the Atlantic Slave Trade |
FCS5300 | Congregational Community Services |
FTH5320 | Advanced Video Production |
GHL5100 | Advanced Global Health Policy |
GRK5110 | Basic New Testament Greek I |
GSP5110 | Advanced GIS I: Geographic Information Systems and Theory |
HEB5110 | Basic Old Testament Hebrew I |
HPH5400 | Fundamentals of Medical Physiology |
INF6300 | Parasitology |
ITM6110 | Issues and Methods in Faith-based and NGO Cybersecurity |
LNG5220 | Linguistics: Language Structure |
MIS5100 | Integrating Worldview in Christian Witness |
MIS5100 | Advanced Perspectives on the World Christian Movement |
MLV5000 | Living as a Family on Mission |
ORG6410 | Human Resource Management in a Global Society |
PCC5100 | Pastoral Care Theory & Theology |
PSS6200 | Homeland Security Policies, Principles and Procedures |
REC5110 | Advanced Reconciliation in a Racialized Society |
REL5300 | Theology of Religion |
THC5200 | Evaluating Jesus & Mission in the Shadow of Empire |
THM5400 | Biblical Theology of Mission |
THM5430 | Issues in the Theology of Spiritual Warfare |
THS5110 | Issues in the Theology of Illness & Healthcare |
THS5200 | Issues in Moral Theology in Community Development |
Term 3 - January 2019
Provisional Schedule
ANM5000 | Digital Compositing in Global Cultures |
ANT5110 | Issues in Anthropology of Religion |
BIB5010 | Reading the New Testament Missionally |
BIB6100 | Analysis of the Missional Practice of Jesus in the Gospels |
BUS5105 | International Business & Marketing |
CHP5020 | Issues & Methods of Church Planter Recruitment |
CJS5310 | Leadership in Correctional Administration |
CJS5500 | Criminal Investigations |
CJS5700 | Pastoral Care of Offenders & Their Families |
CMT5120 | Theory & Philosophy of Community Development |
CMT6300 | Advanced Emergency Preparedness and Response |
COM5100 | Issues in Communicating Across Global Cultures |
DEM5100 | Demographic Data: sources, collection and evaluation |
ELD5000 | Integrating Spirituality & Missionality |
ELD5310 | Theology and Practice of Urban Youth Ministry |
ELD5350 | Principles and Practices of Millennial Ministries |
EMU5220 | Advanced Ethnic Music Theory |
EPI5100 | Fundamentals of Epidemiology |
ETH5210 | Contemporary Issues in African Society |
GEO5130 | Theory & Analysis of Cultural Geography of Islam |
GRK5120 | Basic New Testament Greek II |
GSP5120 | Advanced GIS II: Analysis and Applications |
HEB5120 | Basic Old Testament Hebrew II |
HLT5210 | Historical Foundations of Faith and Health |
ITM5100 | Cybersecurity Processes & Technologies |
ITM5400 | Database and Knowledge-Base Management |
JRN6300 | Theories & Methods in Digital Journalism |
LNG5210 | Framework for Language/Cultural Acquisition |
MED5200 | Issues & Trends in a Digital Society |
MED5210 | Intercultural Media Literacy in Global Environments |
MED5300 | Theory & Methods in Social Media Writing |
MFA5500 | Systemic Analysis of Veteran and Military Health Care |
MIS5100 | Integrating Worldview in Christian Witness |
MLV5320 | Theory & Methods of Apartment Ministry |
MLV5610 | Gospel-Centered Missional Communities |
PUB5150 | Desktop Publishing Applications In Global Cultures |
REL5070 | Foundations of Hinduism |
REL5110 | History of Jewish Culture |
REL5151 | Advanced History of Buddhism: India and Tibet |
REL5190 | New Religions in Historical Context |
REL5590 | Postmodern Spirituality |
SPT5700 | International Sport Management |
THC5100 | Issues for Doing Theology in Context |
THE5100 | Ecotheology and the Missio Dei |
THM5400 | Biblical Theology of Mission |
THM5410 | Issues in Theology of Person and Place |
THM5440 | Issues in Theology of the Diaspora |
THS5110 | Issues in the Theology of Illness & Healthcare |
THS5220 | Issues in Moral Theology in Public Administration |
THS6120 | Issues in Theology of Race and Ethnicity |
UMS5200 | Urban Theology: Space, Place & the City |
VCM5000 | Evaluating Visual Culture in a Global Society |
Term 4 - March 2019
Provisional Schedule
ANM5201 | Character Animation in Global Cultures |
ANT5000 | Theories and Issues in Development Anthropology |
ANT6110 | Anthropology of Religion: Buddhism |
ANT6140 | Anthropology of Religion: Judaism |
BIB5000 | Reading the Old Testament Missionally |
BIB5110 | Evaluating Missional Practice of the Early Church |
BIB5300 | Advanced Mission of God in OT History |
BIO5200 | Marine Biology |
BUS6205 | International Management & Leadership |
CJS5300 | Comparative Justice Systems |
CJS5510 | Criminology |
CJS5520 | Criminal Behavior & Profiling |
CMT6140 | Analysis of Social Planning in Sustainable Community Development |
COM6210 | Issues in Communication Theory for Christian Witness |
CUL5200 | Theories & Methods in Folklore and Folklife |
DGR5200 | Graphic Design and Color Theory in Global Cultures |
DSP5200 | Developing an Immigration Legal Services Ministry |
ECO5300 | Hydrologic Processes in Soils |
ELD5000 | Integrating Spirituality & Missionality |
ELD5200 | Transformational Disciplemaking in Context |
EMU5600 | Fundamentals of Music in Latin American Cultures |
EMU6200 | Advanced Transcription & Analysis of Non-Western Music |
ENS5110 | Environments of Africa: Case Studies in Natural Resources |
EPI6110 | Epidemiology and Control of Infectious Disease |
ETH5270 | African Seedbed of Western Christianity |
FFI5000 | Introduction to Financial Risk Management |
FTH5100 | Advanced Script Analysis |
GEO5120 | Theory & Analysis of Cultural Geography of Hinduism |
GHL5100 | Advanced Global Health Policy |
GRK5130 | Basic New Testament Greek III |
GSP5210 | Advanced Geoinformatics I: Intro to Geoinformatics |
GSP5510 | Advanced Geovisualization I: Cartography |
HEB5130 | Basic Old Testament Hebrew III |
HLT5220 | Intersection of Faith and Health |
HLT5800 | Community Health Advocacy & Outreach |
HLT6200 | Advanced Principles & Practices of Healthcare |
ITM5600 | Foundations of Information Technology Management |
ITM6100 | Cybersecurity Policy, Plans, and Programs |
LNG5101 | TESOL Methodology 1 - Theories & Methods |
MCG5100 | Principles & Practices of Missional Congregations |
MCG5320 | Missional Community Transformation |
MDM5400 | Patient-Centered Care |
MFA5510 | Analysis of Military Advocacy Partnership Effectiveness |
MIS5100 | Integrating Worldview in Christian Witness |
MWS5101 | Music Composition I |
ORG5320 | Launching & Leading Non-Profit Organizations |
PCC5000 | Chaplaincy Ministry in Context |
PSY5200 | Advanced Foundations of Mental Health |
REC6120 | Peace & Reconciliation Studies - Theories and Principles |
REL5100 | Advanced History of Religion |
REL5131 | The Life of Muhammad |
REL5251 | Buddhist Meditation |
REL5390 | New Religious Movements and Historical Theology |
SCM5300 | Bioregional Approaches to Communities |
SWK5200 | American Social Welfare History & Social Work Profession |
THC5200 | Evaluating Jesus & Mission in the Shadow of Empire |
THC5300 | Issues in Learning Theologically Together |
THE5110 | Theology of Creation and Stewardship |
THM5400 | Biblical Theology of Mission |
THS5300 | Issues in Theology of Hospitality & Presence |
THS5400 | Foundations of the Christian Moral Life |
Term 5 - May 2019
Provisional Schedule
ANM5200 | Global Environment Development for Animators |
ANM5300 | Advanced 3D Modeling and Animation Design Methods |
BIB5010 | Reading the New Testament Missionally |
BIB5310 | Advanced Mission of God in the Torah |
BIB6100 | Analysis of the Missional Practice of Jesus in the Gospels |
BIO5210 | River & Lake Biology |
BUS5205 | International Organizational Behavior |
BUS5710 | Applied Ethics in the International Marketplace |
CJS5510 | Criminal Evidence and Procedures |
CJS5710 | Sharing Your Faith with Offenders |
CTH5200 | Seminar in Creative Arts Therapy |
CUL5210 | Theories & Methods in Folktales and Oral Traditions |
DEM5200 | Analysis of survey and population data |
ELD5000 | Integrating Spirituality & Missionality |
ELD5400 | Issues & Trends in Millennial Faith and Spirituality |
EMU5400 | Fundamentals of Music in African Cultures |
ETH5218 | Selfhood in Black Transnational Consciousness |
ETH5240 | African Economic Development: Theory & Practice |
FCS5300 | Congregational Community Services |
FFI5100 | Forensic Accounting & Fraud Auditing |
GHL5300 | Ecomissiology and Global Health |
GRK6110 | Intermediate New Testament Greek |
GSP5520 | Advanced Geovisualization II: Web Mapping |
HEB6110 | Intermediate Old Testament Hebrew |
HLT5600 | Health Care Ethics |
INF3320 | Viral Infections |
ITM5500 | Customer Relations Management Technologies |
ITM5700 | Ethics in Information Technology |
JRN5100 | Writing for Global Digital Media |
LNG6102 | TESOL Methodology 2 |
MCG5110 | Congregational Remissioning |
MDM5200 | Fundamentals of Medical Missions |
MDM5230 | Medicine without Instruments and Laboratory |
MFA5520 | Evaluating Military Advocacy and Outreach Approaches |
MIS5100 | Integrating Worldview in Christian Witness |
MIS5210 | Theories & Methods of Sharing Your Faith through Social Media |
MLV5300 | Multihousing Ministry Capacity Building |
MWS5102 | Music Composition II |
MWS5300 | Planning & Leading Effective Worship |
ORG5200 | Cultivating Communities of Practice |
ORG5330 | Methods and Principles of Nonprofit Volunteer Management |
PSS5410 | Risk Assessment and Management |
PSY5300 | Advanced Mental Health Essentials |
PUB5305 | Visual and Verbal Text Design in Global Cultures |
REL5270 | Hindu Theology |
REL5700 | Advanced Psychology of Religion |
REL6590 | Worldviews and Cultures of New Religious Movements |
SCM6500 | Regional and Community Food Systems |
SPT5720 | Sport and International Development |
SWK5330 | Health & Illness in African & Black Diaspora: Social Work Perspectives |
SWK5400 | Advanced Human Behavior and the Social Environment |
SWK5420 | Advanced Social Welfare Policies, Programs and Issues |
THC5100 | Issues for Doing Theology in Context |
THC5110 | Evaluating Images of Jesus in Non-European Cultures |
THC6210 | Issues for an Asian Theology in Context |
THM5110 | Evaluating Jewish-Christian Relations in Early Christianity |
THM5130 | Analysis of Insiders Versus Outsiders: Early Christian Missional Ethos |
THM5400 | Biblical Theology of Mission |
THS5200 | Issues in Moral Theology in Community Development |
UMS5100 | Exegeting the City: Sociological Perspectives |
VCM5455 | Issues & Methods in Visual Communication in Africa and the African Diaspora |