Dual Enrollment Courses by Academic Term
Well in advance, each academic term provides a list of provisional courses. Sixty days before the start of the academic term, a permanent list of courses is posted and registration is open to all enrolled students.
Term 1 - August 2018
BIB1110 | Exploring the New Testament Missionally |
ELD1000 | Intro to Missional Spirituality |
MLV1000 | Intro to Missional Living |
THM1000 | Exploring the Mission of God |
Term 2 - October 2018
Provisional Schedule
BCE1910 | Creative Expression Associate Observership |
BCM1910 | Community Ministry Associate Observership |
BEM1910 | Ecological Mission Associate Observership |
BIB1100 | Exploring the Old Testament Missionally |
BIO1100 | Fundamentals of Biology & Lab |
BMC1910 | Missional College Associate Observership |
BMP1910 | Missional Practice Associate Observership |
BTS1910 | Theological Studies Associate Observership |
ECO2500 | Intro to Urban Ecology |
ELD1000 | Intro to Missional Spirituality |
ELD2200 | Disciplemaking Essentials |
ENS2200 | Earth Resources & Sustainable Development |
ETH1200 | Africa: Introductory Survey |
GRK2110 | Basic New Testament Greek I |
HEB2110 | Basic Old Testament Hebrew I |
HLT2010 | Intro to Nutrition and Health |
ITM1000 | Information Technology Literacy |
MAT1100 | Concepts & Applications of Mathematics |
MIS1100 | Exploring Worldview in Christian Witness |
MWS1300 | Worship Ministry Foundations |
THM1000 | Exploring the Mission of God |
UMS2200 | Urban Mission for Everyday Life |
VCM1000 | Intro to Visual Communications |
YFM2200 | Intro to Gerontology |
Term 3 - January 2019
Provisional Schedule
ANT1000 | Anthropology for Everyday Life |
BCE1910 | Creative Expression Associate Observership |
BCM1910 | Community Ministry Associate Observership |
BEM1910 | Ecological Mission Associate Observership |
BIB1110 | Exploring the New Testament Missionally |
BMC1910 | Missional College Associate Observership |
BMP1910 | Missional Practice Associate Observership |
BTS1910 | Theological Studies Associate Observership |
CJS1100 | Intro to American Criminal Justice |
CMT1000 | Intro to Community Development |
CMT2600 | Intro to Urban Studies |
DRA1100 | Drawing 1: Form and Space |
ELD1000 | Intro to Missional Spirituality |
ENG1100 | Research & Academic Writing |
ENS1100 | Environmental Science |
ENS2000+Lab | Weather & Climate |
ETH2220 | African Civilizations: Socio-historical perspectives |
GHL1100 | Intro to Global Health |
GRK2120 | Basic New Testament Greek II |
GSP1200 | Intro to Geospatial Systems |
HEB2120 | Basic Old Testament Hebrew II |
HIS1100 | Survey of US History I |
HLT1100 | Health & Wellness in Family and Community |
MAT2000 | Intro Statistics |
MIS1100 | Exploring Worldview in Christian Witness |
MWS1110 | Ear-Training and Sight Singing |
ORG1000 | Intro to Leadership |
PCC1000 | Introduction to Pastoral Care |
SPT1700 | Intro to Sport Management & Mission |
SWK1100 | Intro to Social Work |
THC2000 | Doing Theology in Context |
THE2200 | Survey of Ecotheology |
THM1000 | Exploring the Mission of God |
YFM1000 | Human Development & the Family |
Term 4 - March 2019
Provisional Schedule
BCE1910 | Creative Expression Associate Observership |
BCM1910 | Community Ministry Associate Observership |
BEM1910 | Ecological Mission Associate Observership |
BIB1100 | Exploring the Old Testament Missionally |
BIB2200 | Inductive Bible Study Methods |
BMC1910 | Missional College Associate Observership |
BMP1910 | Missional Practice Associate Observership |
BTS1910 | Theological Studies Associate Observership |
BUS2100 | Marketplace Ministry for Everyday Life |
CJS1300 | Intro to Corrections |
CMT2100 | Understanding Communities |
COM1000 | Intro to Communication Theory |
DGR2100 | Digital Media for Everyday Life |
DRA1110 | Life Drawing 1: Human Figure |
ELD1000 | Intro to Missional Spirituality |
ENG1100 | Research and Academic Writing |
GRK2130 | Basic New Testament Greek III |
HEB2130 | Basic Old Testament Hebrew III |
HLT2000 | Intro to Health in Sociology |
HLT2110 | Foundations of Mental Health |
ITM2200 | Fundamentals of Networking |
MED2300 | Social Media for Everyday Life |
MIS1100 | Exploring Worldview in Christian Witness |
MLV1000 | Intro to Missional Living |
PCC1000 | Survey of Chaplaincy Ministry |
REL2010 | Intro to Judaism |
SWK2210 | Professional Social Work in Contemporary Society |
THM1000 | Exploring the Mission of God |
Term 5 - May 2019
Provisional Schedule
ANT2100 | Anthropology of Religion |
BCE1910 | Creative Expression Associate Observership |
BCM1910 | Community Ministry Associate Observership |
BEM1910 | Ecological Mission Associate Observership |
BIB1110 | Exploring the New Testament Missionally |
BIO1200+Lab | Environmental Biology & Lab |
BMC1910 | Missional College Associate Observership |
BMP1910 | Missional Practice Associate Observership |
BTS1910 | Theological Studies Associate Observership |
DRA2100 | Drawing 2: Composition and Media |
ELD1000 | Intro to Missional Spirituality |
ELD2300 | Urban Youth Ministry for Everyday Life |
ENG1200 | Written Communication |
ENS2000+Lab | Weather & Climate |
FTH1100 | Intro to Scriptwriting |
GSP2300 | Intro to Geospatial Software Systems |
HIS1100 | Survey of US History I |
ITM2210 | Managing Technology for Everyday Life |
MAT1300 | Precalculus |
MED1000 | Intro to Media Studies |
MIS1100 | Exploring Worldview in Christian Witness |
MLV1000 | Intro to Missional Living |
MWS1200 | Music Theory I |
PSY1000 | Intro to Psychology |
REL1000 | Intro to the Study of Religion |
SPT2700 | Sport Ministry for Everyday Life |
SWK2100 | Spiritual Care in Social Work Practice |
SWK2400 | Human Behavior and the Social Environment |
THC2000 | Doing Theology in Context |
THM1000 | Exploring the Mission of God |
YFM2100 | Working with Families |