Online Associate Degree Programs
Missional University's online associate degree programs provide students with a solid foundation in areas of study that are in high demand among faith-based non-profits, community service agencies, and other organizations. Education at Missional University facilitates the student's discovery of their purpose, expands their passion, and equips them to join the mission of God in the world.
The global, international, faculty at Missional University, who are experienced practitioners in their fields, continually update their academic instruction using the best online instructional practices today. Over 90% of the faculty have doctoral degrees in their fields.
Our eight-week online course format has been proved to be the most effective in delivering distance education. Students have the flexibility to work on their assignments anytime 24/7 while interacting with their professor and other students from across the world. Students receive guidance from a student success specialist who helps plan an individualized pathway of required and elective courses that lead to graduation in a timely manner.
Below is a list of areas of study within the associate degree programs. Take time to explore possibilities. Then apply or contact our admissions team for individualized help in planning your path to missional service.

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Intercultural Education @ Missional University
The Missional College makes intercultural training available to average, everyday Christian believers across North America and beyond. We believe that EVERY BELIEVER IS A MISSIONARY where they are - in their neighborhood, at work, and in their community. The Missional College provides training at multiple educational levels to equip believers to serve interculturally in their communities in a variety of ways.
Students who desire to learn how to serve among the diverse ethnic, immigrant and international groups in their communities in culturally-appropriate ways. The Missional College offers cutting-edge training that is biblically-based, interculturally-focused, and missionally-driven in the evangelical Christian tradition. We provide training in a wide breadth of disciplines from diaspora studies to intercultural research to cultural studies to the study of global religion.
Associate of Intercultural Studies (AIS)
African Studies
Anthropology Studies
Diaspora Studies
Mission Studies
Associate of Religion (ARel)
World Religions
Missional Ministry @ Missional University
Our missional mandate has not changed, we bear the image of God and are his agents of reconciliation. The God of mission has not changed, he has on his heart the renewal of all things. In this time of disorienting and sometimes destabilizing transition, as the body of Christ, we require ways of thinking and acting that deeply connect us to our identity as residents of this earth who are citizens of heaven.
It is a great joy and deep passion of the School of Missional Practice to provide learning environs that function as transformational journeys for the people of God towards the missional thinking and practices that reflect our true identity. In every academic term of learning, we invite our students into a community of practice that is as ancient as our parents in the original garden and as contemporary as the globalized diversity in our chatrooms.
Associate of Missional Ministry (AMMin)
Business Administration
Missional Church Planting
Missional Congregations
Missional Practice
Multihousing Ministry
Non-Profit Management
Sports & Recreation
Transformational Discipleship
Urban Mission
Urban Youth
Community Development @ Missional University
If you feel a sense of responsibility to reach out to the masses within your local community and abroad outside the walls of the church in your spiritually unique way, then the School of Community Ministry is what you are looking for. Our focus is to assist you in becoming dually effective in providing services and advocating for the social and emotional well-being of others, while also sharing the gospel through your faith and relationship with God. Social services and evangelism are interrelated. One’s physical, spiritual, moral, and other interrelational entities are all linked together. The social and spiritual well-being of an individual is a vital aspect of fulfilling the great commission. The opportunity to meet social needs opens up doors to share your faith and the love of God with others.
Associate of Community Ministry (ACM)
Behavioral Healthcare
Community Development
Community Health
Criminal Justice
Human Services
Pastoral Care & Chaplaincy
Public Safety & Security
Youth & Family Studies
Contextual Communication @ Missional University
TThe School of Creative Expression enables Christian believers to communicate a gospel witness in various forms, media, and styles to bring glory to God through service in the mission of God. The programs in the School of Creative Expression equip missional leaders in foundational courses in a theology of beauty, storytelling, or media and communication and then adds practical courses in communication, media arts, music arts, theatre arts, information technology management and worship studies. Whether you need to learn how to use social media, multimedia, visual communications, graphic design, digital journalism or information technologies – Missional University will give you the tools to serve in faith-based and secular organizations as a Christian witness. Through music arts, you can be equipped in songwriting, ethnomusicology, and in leading worship. Through digital arts, you can be equipped in studio art, graphic design, 2D animation, 3D animation, animation visual effects, publication and print media. Creativity in the arts is extended through storytelling, theatre arts, and film studies and production.
Associate of Communication (ACom)
Communication & Media Studies
Graphic Design Media
Journalism & Publication
Information Technology Management
Scriptwriting & Storytelling
Creation Care @ Missional University
The faculty of the School of Ecological Mission are committed to the concept that God is at work not only in the lives and affairs of people across the globe but he is also at work in environments and how peoples are impacted by their natural, social and built environments. Just as sin has corrupted the image of God within persons (Romans 1:18-32), so too sin corrupts social and environmental relationships. In fact, the Apostle Paul writes that "We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time" (Romans 8:22-24). Thus God is about his mission of reconciling people and the entire earth unto himself. Faculty with expertise in a wide range of disciplines work together to equip missional Christians to participate in the mission of God through global health, environmental mission, humanitarian aid, geospatial studies and sustainable communities.
Associate of Ecological Mission (BEM)
Environmental Sustainability
Demography & Assessment
Geospatial Studies
Associate of Global Health (AGH)
Global Health Studies
Theology & Mission @ Missional University
At Missional University we believe that a Biblical theology of mission is more than a core course. It is foundational to the University’s purpose and curriculum. Compelled by that foundation, the School of Theological Studies is committed to sound teaching in Scripture and doctrine, always in light of God’s missional purpose. As a student in the School of Theological Studies, you will learn how to read the entire Bible missionally - from the heart of a missional God who invites us to participate in his redemptive mission and who sends us as a source of blessing to all peoples of the world. Furthermore, as a student, you will be taught, challenged, and equipped with a missional view of Scripture, history, theology, and ethics, all with a view of deepening your character and growing your mission.
Associate of Theological Studies (BTS)
Biblical Studies
Experiential Learning @ Missional University
Simply put, experiential learning is the process of learning through experience, and is more specifically defined as "learning through reflection on doing.” Experience how to navigate cultures, live missionally, transform communities, create creatively, care for creation and join the mission of God. We provide hands-on learning experiences in 50+ subject areas related to university degree programs through introductory, developmental and demonstration experiential learning. With an international reach in 43+ countries and a growing network of partners, students work with mission entities, nonprofits & NGOs, schools, churches, and church groups worldwide. Expand your experiences worldwide -- our global faculty, staff, and students are from 20+ time zones, across 6 continents, from Washington State, USA to Wellington, New Zealand.
The School of Experiential Learning supports the degree programs in all of the other schools and colleges at Missional University.
Introductory Experiential Learning
Observerships: Shadowing
Practicums: Applying
Introductory Studies: Orienting
Development Experiential Learning
Field Instruction: Integrating
Internship: Practicing
Mentorship: Developing
Demonstration Experiential Learning
Portfolio: Creating
Capstone: Synthesizing
Project: Documenting
Research: Assessing
Thesis: Producing