Welcome to the School of Missional Practice! You and I are observers of a culture shift. The centrifugal center of gospel movement has relocated away from Western civilization to the Global South. Our missional mandate has not changed, we bear the image of God and are his agents of reconciliation. The God of mission has not changed, he has on his heart the renewal of all things. In this time of disorienting and sometimes destabilizing transition, as the body of Christ, we require ways of thinking and acting that deeply connect us to our identity as residents of this earth who are citizens of heaven.
It is the great joy and deep passion of the School of Missional Practice to provide learning environs that function as transformational journeys for the people of God towards the missional thinking and practices that reflect our true identity. In every academic term of learning we invite our students into a community of practice that is as ancient as our parents in the original garden and as contemporary as the globalized diversity in our chatrooms. The domain of our learning is shared competencies of missional practice in pre-Christian and post-Christian contexts. The goal of our learning is that we become more closely aligned with the God whose image we bear such that his cruciform passions shape our own labors. As citizens of heaven, we await the King of love who has clearly displayed his missional heart and described his missional purposes. As residents of this earth we will labor to learn how to shape our thinking and practices towards the renewal of all things.
Please browse our site and learn how to join a community of practice. You are invited to email me any questions you have. I look forward to journeying with you as together we engage the mission of God.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.
Dr. Scott Tey
Dean of the School of Missional Practice
Phone: 803.618.1328 ext. 300