Online Student Organizations
Student organizations at Missional University meet at the online Student Center. There each organization has a dedicated office with video conference capabilities and collaborative tools that enable students to participate fully in online organizations.
Get Involved
With an already busy schedule, why carve out more precious time to get involved with a club? Clubs can be vital to your college experience and they can help you grow and learn skills that will be valuable beyond college. Professional development, leadership opportunities, and engagement are just a few reasons why you should consider getting involved.
Professional Development. The organized structure of a club offers special professional development opportunities. Sometimes, being a member of a club will provide you with opportunities to explore professional organizations relative to your field of interest, you might even get discounted rates to a conference or workshop. The National Association of Nonprofit Professionals (NANPP); The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA); or the APC – Association of Professional Chaplains are examples of professional organizations, that could correspond with a club, and expose students to unique development opportunities.
Leadership Opportunities. Club participation in and of itself demonstrates leadership tendencies. It indicates you are willing to serve as a valuable part of a team. In addition, all clubs need officers to serve in leadership capacities. Serving as a club officer can provide valuable experience in real-world leadership skills like managing budgets, running meetings and planning events.
Engagement. Being actively engaged with your university and its community is vital to your success and your satisfaction as a student. Student clubs connect students to each other, to the university experience, and to global communities. Whether your club is performing a community service or has coordinated a social gathering, these are valuable ways to balance your education.
There is no doubt that getting involved in clubs and organizations adds to your college experience and helps to develop leadership skills. At Missional University, students have the exciting opportunity to initiate inaugural clubs and organizations that could live on for years.
Students can propose a new club or organization for consideration to the university’s Provost. Clubs must be in alignment with the University Ethos Statement and must have a faculty /staff sponsor to serve as an advisor. Clubs can be developed for many reasons. For example, they can be academically aligned, service-oriented, or fellowship focused.