Current Students @ Missional University
Being a part of the Missional University community means that you become part of a movement to make the world a better place. Missional University helps Christian believers make a greater impact in their neighborhoods, communities and the world through education that is rooted in the mission of God in this world.
We ask that you covenant together with us to embrace missional ways of living:
- By placing great value on all people because every person is of infinite value
- By building relationships with one another and with those whom we are called to minister in order to better understand their point of view
- By abstaining from those attitudes and actions that could become a stumbling block to another believer or a non-Christian in their spiritual journey
- By watching for opportunities to serve the needs of others
- By focusing our lives and ministries on the person and work of Christ
- By esteeming others better than ourselves and treating others fairly and justly
- By building up one another in the faith
- By equipping others to serve in the mission of God
- By customizing our missional approaches within the cultural context in which we do ministry
10.By devoting ourselves to prayer and personal devotion to Christ
We at Missional University pledge to follow the path God has laid before us by committing to continually grow in our faith and to seek mutual relationships of accountability with fellow believers so that we may grow together in maturity and in the kind of faith, hope and love that reflect the mind and likeness of Jesus Christ. By the Spirit’s power, we will also seek to be witnesses to God’s Kingdom and to embody Scriptural ways of proclaiming and participating in God’s mission in our context and beyond.

Missional University Guiding Documents