Identify where God may be at work in your community
Theological studies at Missional University explore missional service in the redemptive acts of God to find ways God may be at work today.
Equip church leaders to join in the mission of God in the world
Missional University equips church leaders to implement new missional ministries to foster the spiritual transformation of people and communities.
Empower believers to serve in the mission of God
Mobilize your congregation to intentionally join in the mission of God to bring redemption, reconciliation, and healing to a broken world.
What Missional University Can Do For Your Church
Academic Resources
Courses, certificate and degree programs equip church leaders and Christian believers for service in the mission of God.
Experiential Opportunities
Observerships, field instruction, practicum, internship, and mentorship courses expose church leaders and members to best practices in missional practice.
Discipleship Enhancement
Missional partnerships take your disciplemaking efforts to the next level by integrating missional leadership development with your ongoing activities.
Advisement & Refinement
Missional partnerships include ongoing input from your church leadership to foster alignment of MU courses and programs with your missional ministry needs.
What Missional University Can Do With Your Church
Expose them to Global Mission and Ministry Organizations thru Case Story Videos
Missional partnerships enable students to be exposed to mission and ministry organizations who have contributed video clips featuring their personnel and ministry in our online courses.
Provide Interaction with a Global Faculty
Missional partnerships provide the online interaction of your church leaders and members with our diverse, international faculty of academic practitioners.
Church Leaders and Members may do Research or Conduct Projects for Mission and Ministry Organizations (including your church)
Missional partnerships encourage students to complete research assignments and projects for mission and ministry organizations as part of their courses, practicums, internship, capstone and project/thesis requirements.