Welcome to The Missional College @ Missional University
The Missional College provides training for those who desire to learn how to serve among the diverse ethnic, immigrant and international groups in their communities in culturally-appropriate ways. The Missional College offers cutting-edge training that is biblically-based, interculturally-focused, and missionally-driven in the evangelical Christian tradition. We provide training in a wide breadth of disciplines from diaspora studies to intercultural research to cultural studies to the study of global religion.
The Missional College has programs that lead to an Undergraduate Certificate in Intercultural Studies, Associate of Intercultural Studies and Associate of Religion degrees, Bachelor of Intercultural Studies and Bachelor of Religion degrees, Master of Intercultural Studies and Master of Religion degrees, and a Doctor of Intercultural Studies degree. The intercultural and religion studies at Missional University grow out of missiology, the study of the mission of God (missio dei) and the involvement of the people of God. We desire to see every graduate become equipped to join God’s mission by crossing cultural and religious barriers to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. God desires every believer to be a missionary in the community -- and The Missional College will equip followers of Christ to do just that.
Uniqueness of The Missional College
Unique Programs
- 43% Totally Unique
- 22% Rarely Offered
- 20% Similar to Others
- 15% Same as Others
International Experience
100% of FacultySeminary Degrees
84% of FacultyDoctorate Degrees
85%+ of Faculty with Accredited Doctorates
Quick Facts
Number of Departments: 5
Number of Dual Enrollment Programs: 2
Number of Undergraduate Certificates Programs: 5
Number of Associate Programs: 6
Number of Bachelor Programs: 17
Number of Master's Programs: 16
Number of Faculty Members: 24